19th August 2024

“I’m feeling like my old self again” – Charlotte lost 10kg

52-year-old Charlotte had a healthy, fit lifestyle until lockdowns hit. She began to develop unhealthy habits and found it difficult to juggle her teenagers’ appetites alongside her own health goals. Her weight crept up and symptoms of perimenopause began to take their toll until she decided enough was enough. Signing up to The Fast 800 programme enabled Charlotte to say goodbye to 1.5stone (10kg) in a matter of months and finally take charge of her own health goals.

Where it all began

The Covid-19 lockdowns affected many people’s physical and mental health. For Charlotte, she had been keeping up a healthy and fit lifestyle as a single mum of teenagers, but when lockdown hit she struggled with eating well and maintaining her healthy habits. With different dietary requirements, it was also a challenge to juggle the family food dynamics. 

Following lockdown, Charlotte became perimenopausal and was experiencing symptoms of fatigue and sluggishness. Alcohol became a habit to unwind and ‘reward’ herself at the end of a long week. In addition to wasting food and making poor food choices as a result of failing to plan healthy meals, it’s safe to say Charlotte wasn’t feeling her best.

She had already tried The Fast 800 programme in the past, and having enjoyed the Mediterranean-style diet, and previously experiencing fantastic results, it felt only natural to return to this way of life.

Learn more about our Programme that’s transforming the lives of thousands. From exercise to meal plans, everything is in place to help you achieve your goals, it’s also now available in a convenient app putting better health in the palm of your hand.


How The Fast 800 turned it all around

Charlotte committed to The Fast 800 programme in mid-January 2024, and she has already seen great results. After consulting her doctor who suggested eating fewer than 1000 calories a day, Charlotte decided to try The Very Fast 800 approach and plans to move to the 5:2 diet or Way of Life approach after she reached her goal. Reassured by the research behind the programme, its efficacy, and the medical backgrounds of The Fast 800 professionals who could help guide her through, Charlotte didn’t hold back from jumping back into the programme with full enthusiasm.

Although she had tried it in the past, her attitude towards The Fast 800 programme had changed, and she was approaching it this time as a long-term way of life rather than a short-term fix. It took Charlotte just four weeks to lose 13 pounds (4kg). By week five she had lost an incredible 1.1 stone (7kg) and was starting to feel like her old self again. 

Charlotte’s food swaps for success

Charlotte had always been a fan of the Mediterranean-style diet, and enjoyed that the Programme recipes are all quick and easy to prepare as a mum with limited time on her hands. But this discovery had to start somewhere. 

She began to understand that what she puts in her body begins with what she brings home from the supermarket. She found the new The Fast 800 app helped her keep on track with her plan, as she could simply arrive at the supermarket, select the meals on her phone she wanted to make for the week ahead and have the automated shopping list ready for her to grab what she needed. 

She’s therefore now buying more non-starchy veggies, and protein staples like cottage cheese and eggs so that there are healthy options to hand even if she forgets to prepare lunches ahead of time. She’s even swapped out her old alcohol ‘rewards’ for alcohol-free seltzers as a treat and now sees the benefits of making simple swaps to avoid restriction. Similarly, she’s traded in her milky, strong coffees for black coffee and tea and is surprised by how much she prefers it. 

Charlotte found that changing up her food choices has not only benefited herself but her kids too, as they can now enjoy a variety of healthy dishes adapted easily to their own needs.

What does Charlotte eat in a day

  1. Begins her day with black coffee and MCT oil.
  2. Starts her time-restricted eating window at 12pm with lunch. She keeps things quick and simple with dishes like a healthy egg salad (full-fat cottage cheese, two boiled eggs, seeded mustard, dill and celery) all pre-prepped at home and thrown together at work. 
  3. Dinner follows after work. Dishes like mozzarella chicken, eggplant and zucchini bake and butter chicken are favourites, paired with a side of non-starchy vegetables for extra nutrients. She adds carbohydrates, like potatoes or pasta, to the dishes for her hungry teens.  
  4. Time-restricted eating window ends at 8pm.

“I no longer snack, especially at night, which was a vice of mine. I realise now that it was more of a boredom thing than a hunger thing, so I have needed to look into my habits to make some changes.”

Where is Charlotte now?

After just five weeks of following the programme, Charlotte is feeling like her old self again. Losing an impressive 1.5 stone (10kg), she’s determined  to continue following a healthy lifestyle, with support from The Fast 800, and aims to continue losing weight to reach her goal. 

But the best changes aren’t just showing up on the scales; Charlotte is fitting in her old clothes again, feeling more energetic, attractive and clear-headed every day! If you want to achieve results like Charlotte, sign up to your 7-day free trial of The Fast 800 programme now.

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