Does The Fast 800 work?
The Fast 800 is a science-based approach to weight loss and healthy living. Since 2018, we’ve seen over 100,000 members complete our 12-week programme, lose thousands of kgs and gain confidence to take health into their own hands. The strong community of members we’ve built have achieved remarkable results. Naturally, people that are new to our programme often ask, “does The Fast 800 work?”
What is The Fast 800?
The Fast 800 Programme provides all members with ample resources to support their weight loss journey: nutritious meal plans, Mediterranean-style recipes, HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and resistance home-based exercise plans for all fitness abilities, Pilates, yoga, mindfulness resources, a 12-week behavioural change course and qualified Health Coaches offering ongoing guidance. It’s now also available as an app, so you can always have us on hand!
You’ll also have access to our online platform, Community, where you can chat to other members and learn from our Health Coaches.
Does The Fast 800 work?
As scientific research is the driving force behind our principles, we were confident that our programme does work. However, to show the world just how much of an impact it can have on our members’ health, our Programme was independently audited by healthcare advisors, working in partnership with NHS organisations.

“I am really delighted to share these results with you
They are based on data which has been collected from over 23,000 members who have used The Fast 800 programme and which has been analysed by independent experts. The results show some really impressive and sustained weight loss as well as big improvements in blood sugar levels. I knew the programme was based on the latest science but it is hugely gratifying to see it working so well for so many people.”
– Dr Michael Mosley
Does The Fast 800 work? The results
The audit analysed 23,745 members of The Fast 800 Programme for 12 months, focusing predominantly on weight loss and blood sugars, two problems that are currently causing national health services significant strain.
Members following the Programme for at least three months lost an average of 6kg. Those that began the programme with obesity (BMI > 30) lost 7.3kg. Unlike a lot of short-term diets, those with a BMI > 30 were found to sustain an average weight loss of 8.7kg over a 12-month period.
Notably, after 12 weeks, 61% of members in the obese category and with prediabetes had normal blood sugars, and 53% of members with type 2 diabetes were no longer within the diabetic range. In addition to this, the average decrease in HbA1c values within the diabetic member group was 28 mmol/mol, which is clinically significant. So, does The Fast 800 work? The results speak for themselves!
You can read more about the independent analysis here.
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Changes you can start making today
Aside from the impressive numbers that came from the analysis, there were some findings that you can begin following today to improve your health and lifestyle:
- Find an exercise regime to suit you!
For those with type 2 diabetes, The Fast 800’s high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise resulted in better immediate glycaemic control than moderate-intensity training. - Follow a low-carb, Mediterranean diet
The foundation of The Fast 800 Online Programme; this resulted in more weight loss and better long-term weight maintenance when compared to low-fat diets. - If you have significant weight to lose, consider a rapid weight loss diet.
Members lost the most significant amount of weight when on the rapid weight loss phase of The Fast 800, The Very Fast 800. This is where you eat between 800-1000 calories per day for up to 12 weeks, before moving to a more sustainable approach that can be followed long-term. If you start the programme within a healthy BMI range, you will begin on an approach that embraces the Mediterranean-style diet and intermittent fasting to improve metabolic health, while maintaining a healthy weight. - Explore intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting approaches, as practised during The Fast 800 Online Programme, result in positive health outcomes compared to continuous energy/calorie restriction.
The Online Programme makes healthy living simple!
We know weight loss isn’t always easy but our programme can make healthy living simple; it’s a diet designed to fit into your everyday life, rather than the other way around, and this is what makes The Fast 800 Programme work.
We’ve seen so many people achieve this by providing them with tasty, easy-to-make and filling meals that don’t break the bank, exercise plans that can be completed at home in just 20 minutes, and guides to help you change the habits that have prevented you from succeeding before. Ultimately, you’ll be making the changes and we’ll provide the support and guidance to get you there.
We empower people to live healthier, happier lives and see the effect on real people, every day. Why not join them and give our 7-day free trial a go? Although you won’t see the full benefit in just seven days, and The Fast 800 is designed to help you integrate healthy habits long-term, we’re confident that after just one week, you’ll begin to experience small improvvements and after 12 weeks, we’re certain you will!