16th February 2024

“The food is beyond delicious” – Jennifer lost 18kg (2.8st)

Like many people, Jennifer wanted to be the best version of herself, but she had only ever managed to enjoy temporary success from other weight loss plans. When she finally turned to The Fast 800 Programme, the 63-year-old lost more than just an incredible 18kg (2.8st); she also unexpectedly said goodbye to a whole host of health issues.

Along with excess weight, Jennifer had been suffering from an array of health concerns such as asthma, low blood pressure, debilitating headaches, lactose intolerance and fatigue. In an attempt to sort out at least one of the problems, she had become a self-professed ‘lifetime member’ of two other popular weight loss programmes, but nothing worked. 

The weight loss programmes Jennifer tried had allowed her to shift unwanted weight temporarily, but had never allowed her to sustain the results or free herself of the other health issues. This was because the other programmes were acting as a bandaid over the problem; helping with losing existing weight without getting to the root to prevent any future weight gain or target health issues. The Fast 800 Programme not only provides the key to long-term weight loss, but also educates and gives you the tools to prevent weight gain in the future. 

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We promote a Mediterranean-style diet, which is high in protein, healthy fats and non-starchy vegetables. This kind of diet has been shown to reduce inflammation which is often the cause of problems like asthma, lactose intolerance, headaches and low blood pressure, all of which were problems Jennifer was dealing with. Thankfully, she discovered The Fast 800 before the inflammation in her body became chronic, which may have led to diseases such as arthritis and inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Jennifer’s Weight Loss Programme revelation

Everything changed after “one evening on the couch watching Dr Micheal Mosley’s documentary, [when Jennifer] decided to give his programme a try.”

Like many of our new community members, Jennifer learned the damaging effect of sugar, and could then pinpoint it as the culprit of all her cravings. She rapidly lost weight after joining the Programme, allowing her to get back into her old wardrobe of smaller clothes: “I never wanted to get back to where I was before, so I donated all of my larger clothes to St Vinnies charity.”

But there’s more…

Where is Jennifer today?

When she finally found a programme that worked, Jennifer’s results astounded her, and were more extensive than she could have hoped.

“Not only did I lose 18kg following The Fast 800, I recovered from asthma, which I had suffered from all my life. I also rebalanced my low blood pressure. My debilitating headaches are a thing of the past, as is my addiction to sugar and sweeteners. I’ve also been able to reactivate the production of the ‘lactase’ enzyme in my gut and I am no longer lactose intolerant.”

Jennifer reports finding it easy to stay on track with the Online Programme’s food plan because “it is beyond delicious – far more delicious than anything I would have made myself before The Fast 800… I also have two squares of very dark chocolate per day and that keeps any cravings at bay.” 

All the delicious Mediterranean-style meals on the Programme are designed by our in-house nutritionists to be tasty and contain all the nutrients you need to stay fuelled, full and energised. Getting enough protein, healthy fats, vitamins and nutrients into your diet is key to maintenance of a healthy diet, helping to keep cravings to a minimum.

As well as transforming her diet, Jennifer developed an enjoyable daily exercise routine by using the Programme’s exercise videos developed by our personal trainers, and learned the benefit of drinking plenty of water. When she strays and eats foods that aren’t aligned with her health goals, she now knows how to get herself back on track by using the Programme, like the Way of Life approach, and ensures not to maintain self-compassion, never beating herself up for slip ups. 

“Now I have achieved my goal weight with The Fast 800 Programme and I am keeping the weight off sustainably. There’s one big difference this time around: I now cook nutritious heavenly food every single day, which stops me from drifting off course. I also have more energy and vitality because of such good nutrition. It’s safe to say, I can comfortably do this for the rest of my life!”

If you’re struggling with similar health concerns as Jennifer and nothing seems to be helping, it may be time to try something like our Online Programme (now also available as an app) to see if you get the same life-changing results as Jennifer. Try it out here, and if you need a little more inspiration, read our other motivational accounts here.

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Lose weight for better health with science-based methods and real, delicious food

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