“There’s no magic pill” – Pawel’s weight loss story
Pawel is an NHS doctor who, despite being a medic with an understanding of the impact of being overweight, had a lifestyle that was significantly affecting his health. After hitting a low, he joined The Fast 800 Online Programme and managed to put his pre-diabetes into remission by losing a hugely impressive 63kg (9.9st), among other phenomenal achievements.
Before joining the NHS, Pawel had worked away from home every other week and became used to ordering from the hotel menu, grabbing a quick sandwich during a busy shift, or visiting fast food restaurants for a convenient meal. He was eating on the run, and wasn’t considering what he was putting into his body, which became a habit that stuck.
In January 2021, he found himself in a bad place. Suffering from depression, along with post-Covid fatigue, he was left weighing 154kg (24.3st) and knowing that something needed to change.
Pawel turned to therapy which was the turning point he needed to finally feel ready to tackle his weight. As a medical professional, he began to research the credible options that were available, and he came across The Fast 800.

“My poor diet not only left me feeling overweight, but also I felt incredibly tired and didn’t have much motivation to do anything about it.”

Pawel’s combination of two approaches
Having been diagnosed with high blood pressure and prediabetes, Pawel consulted his GP who approved the approach and recommended the weight loss medication, Saxenda, for him to try alongside the programme. Pawel embarked on 12 weeks of The Very Fast 800, an 800-calorie-per-day approach which follows Mediterranean-style diet principles and burns fat by flipping the metabolic switch.
Pawel threw himself in whole-heartedly by engaging in all of the activities the Online Programme offers: he followed the exercise programmes, and mindfulness videos and read all the recommended articles. He started preparing food from scratch and strictly controlled his portion sizes, using kitchen scales for the first time.
He could see that his size had shrunk after just two weeks, and he was so thrilled with such visible, rapid results that he became motivated to continue for 12 weeks to see what he could achieve. The results that followed were phenomenal.
Pawel’s exceptional results
By following the meal plan, Pawel’s calorie intake was significantly lowered. He found a new way of enjoying food and began to crave healthy food he never would’ve dreamed of before the programme and, with the help of his two-pronged approach, lost 11kg in the first two weeks.
Pawel discovered a newfound confidence through the exercise programme, surprising himself by how much he loved it. Previously terrified of the gym, Pawel found that doing at-home workouts privately, led by The Fast 800’s team of fitness experts, worked well for him and he became more determined than ever. Incredibly, he now exercises six days a week with little effort and has built it into his daily routine, reportedly thriving off it.
During his first seven months of following the Online Programme, Pawel managed to wean himself off the Saxenda, lost around 60kg (9.9st), dropped 17.5” off his waist, and reversed his prediabetes. His blood pressure control improved, he completely stopped snoring and achieved fitness for the first time in 20 years.
Having been on the programme for just over two years, Pawel now follows the Way of Life approach, with a Time Restricted Eating approach he learned through the programme. He doesn’t need to calorie count as closely anymore and feels like he naturally opts for a high protein, low carb diet. Pawel’s aim now is to maintain a healthy weight now that his incredible weight-loss journey is complete
Three questions for Pawel:
Did you find the programme difficult at any point?
“The first few days were challenging, I gave myself two weeks to see how I would get on and I promised myself if it was awful, I would stop. However, after two weeks, I decided to weigh myself and I’d lost around 11 kilograms already. I could see that I had shrunk in size and I was thrilled with the rapid results! So, I decided to stick it out for 12 weeks to see what I could achieve.”
How did you find it trying a weight loss medication alongside the Online Programme?
“I came across a weight loss medication called Saxenda, a weight loss drug that is available on the NHS. However, I soon learned that in addition to the weight loss medication, it was absolutely imperative that I improved my lifestyle simultaneously; Saxenda wasn’t a ‘magic pill’ that would offer the total solution. While it helped me lose weight, I honestly don’t think it would have worked as well without the programme. I certainly wouldn’t have managed to maintain the weight loss long-term.”
Did the Online Programme help with your mental health as well?
“The mindfulness section of the programme helped me a lot more than I thought it would. I enjoyed it and I think it helped give me the skills to cope well. I had dabbled with meditation in the past but I hadn’t really stuck to it, but with the programme I found it was easy to incorporate into my life and left me feeling relaxed and positive. I found a new-found pleasure in the peaceful feeling in the meditation sessions and still to this day I love them.”
Dr Michael Mosley provides his thoughts on Pawel’s story:
“Pawel clearly demonstrates that you can successfully combine The Fast 800 with other approaches, like weight loss medication to achieve maximum results. There’s been a lot in the press about injectable medications for diabetes where weight loss is a common result, and I think people appreciate that alone, they’re not always the answer. You must remember, that once you finish the medication, then the weight tends to come back on, so that’s why you need to make positive changes to your lifestyle whilst using the medication. Pawel is a shining example of how you can combine the lifestyle changes, which we guide you through on The Fast 800, with medication, if necessary, to produce some pretty stunning changes.”
Whether you choose to use medication, in consultation with and on the advice of your doctor, as a tool on your weight loss journey, there is an undeniable benefit in addressing what and how you eat. By implementing intermittent fasting and enjoying a Mediterranean-style diet, you can learn sustainable habits to keep yourself at a healthy weight and support good metabolic health, long-term.
Pawel’s incredible story and results show how perseverance and determination can change your life. If you think it’s time to start your journey, try the Online Programme here.