We are here to support you
The mission at The Fast 800 is to enable health and longevity in the global community by sharing simple, clear and actionable, best practice lifestyle resources and support.
Never has there been a more important time to be on the front foot with relevant support to our members that will keep spirits and health up in the midst of an extremely stressful global environment.
Information about Covid-19 is evolving all the time and thus we will continue to adapt as necessary however, we do know that there is a lot of practical things we can all be doing to boost our immunity.
More than ever, this is a critical time to:
- Maintain a healthy weight – being overweight can weaken your body’s immune system and reduce its ability to fight off infections.
- Keep your blood sugars in the healthy range – people who have pre-diabetes (raised blood sugar levels) or diabetes are much more vulnerable to infections.
- Manage stress – an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol, reduces your ability to fight infections.
- Get more good quality sleep – infection-fighting chemicals are released when you are in deep sleep. Importantly, a low-carb Med-style diet is so important to boost your sleep and your immune system.
- Be active – activity promotes blood circulation and improves your immune function.
- Supplement – add immunity boosting vitamins and minerals, such as moderate doses of vitamins B6, C, D, and E as well as zinc.
Given the current circumstances, it may at first seem like it is difficult to focus on your health and wellness by eating nutritious food and exercising regularly. But, once things do settle a little, you may feel more comfortable if you have a plan and the support to guide you through this difficult time.
One of the most powerful ways to boost your immune system is by eating a low-ish carb Mediterranean-style diet. The Fast 800 team would like to help our community feel confident in their choice to embrace a Mediterranean-style diet. We will be sharing new articles, videos, and tips that are designed to support you through times when focus might be waning and food items might be more difficult to access.
Our health coaches often share some of the amazing anecdotal stories of the way members support each other through a myriad of life crises. In fact, reading the stories of support and member success is at the heart of why we love The Fast 800 so much. You could say that our collective experience of Covid-19 is adding to the united bonds we are already creating through our common goal of improving health. We already know that our community is incredibly supportive and it is global. We are all experiencing first-hand the full impact of this health crisis and thus we know that our community can make a tremendous difference.

I know how important it is for me to lose weight and stay healthy at this time – as being overweight is a risk factor for Covid-19, as is diabetes and in particular heart disease!!! I am using the recipes in a flexible way, amending them to what I have in the fridge, rather than stressing about using ingredients that I cannot buy.”
Christine – 12-week online programme member
We encourage you to reach out, stay connected, share messages of encouragement and support with a focus on maintaining wellness. Our hope is that whilst we may be physically isolated, we know that we will get through this together.
The Fast 800 Team