19th May 2024

“It’s a game changer” – Calli lost 21kg (3.3st)

Calli is a 49-year-old teacher and mother of two, who said farewell to 21kgs (3.3st) in just 12 weeks, came off her medication and lost her symptoms of chronic inflammation. She reports feeling the best she’s felt since having kids, and says it’s all down to following The Fast 800 weight loss programme.

Since having her two children over ten years ago, Calli had steadily been gaining weight and as her weight increased, her health declined. She was diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disease, and began developing a range of symptoms associated with systemic wide inflammation and poor gut health. This led to struggles with her skin, joint pain, poor sleep, and fatigue.

After learning of the diagnosis, Calli changed to a gluten-free diet in an attempt to get her health on track, but found that she continued to put on weight after realising that ‘gluten-free’ did not automatically mean ‘healthy diet’. This is why education is so important when it comes to taking control of your health.

Calli’s experience with The Fast 800 weight loss Programme

Calli knew of Dr Michael Mosley’s work already, so when she saw an advert for The Fast 800 Programme, she thought it was worth a try after years of failed fad diets. “I signed up for the initial 12 weeks and haven’t looked back once.”

After just two weeks, Calli had lost 5kg and felt better than she had in decades. “My quality of sleep is now amazing, as is my clarity of thinking. After years of feeling defeated and burnt out, I find myself more creative and efficient than ever.”

Over the course of a couple of months, Calli lost 8kg and consistently lost 1-1.2kg every week.

I am very happy with this pace because it’s sustainable. I love the recipes so much and believe the food really is medicine! All of my auto-immune symptoms have now vanished and I’ve been advised by my healthcare practitioner that I do not need to take any prescription medicines for my condition anymore, which is unheard of! Once you flip that metabolic switch, it’s a game changer.

Sharing the love, and the results!

Calli’s husband, who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, also joined the programme and has also found staggering results. He lost over 35kg (5.5st) in just 5 months and placed his diabetes into remission.

What’s more, Calli reflects that “doing the Online Programme together has brought us closer together as a couple; we both feel amazing! We will stay with this programme for the rest of our lives and firmly believe we will have much longer, healthier lives because of it.”

Calli heralds the education programme as the “bedrock” of her success: “I know that with the support I can draw on through The Fast 800 network I will reach my goal weight… and then permanently maintain my new healthy lifestyle habits. I feel empowered by this knowledge and this gives me confidence that I won’t put the weight back on in the future.”

Try the Programme for yourself with a 7-day free trial and unlock your potential.

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Lose weight for better health with science-based methods and real, delicious food

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