15th September 2020

You are what you eat, and we have fresh new meal plans to make it delicious!

Our nutritionist, Gabi, has exciting news. Fresh, new meal plans are here!

You are what you eat; that’s why great meal plans are key. We often hear that it’s the food that makes all the difference to a member’s ability to stick to the plan. It’s because our recipes are delicious and easy (and don’t feel like diet food at all!) that so many thousands have been able to change their food habits for the better.

That’s why we are very proud of our recipes, and the meal plans, which are designed by our nutritionist – Gabi – to offer loads of flavour and nutrition. That’s right, our meal plans are created by a nutritionist and carefully planned based on the latest science to support long-term health.

The Fast 800 online programme offers meal plans to reflect each of the three different approaches members can enjoy as they work toward their health goals and create a sustainable lifestyle.

We understand the need for flexibility; your health and goals will continue to change over time which is why it’s so important to learn when to switch in and out of the different approaches.

All three approaches are based on a moderately low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean-style dietThe Very Fast 800 is the intensive phase – 800 quality calories every day – designed to achieve rapid weight loss for those who have a lot to lose.

The New 5:2, where you enjoy 800 quality calories on two fasting days and non-calorie counted Mediterranean-style food on the remaining days, is less intensive – you’ll still achieve weight loss but at a gradual rate. The Way of Life has no calorie counting; it’s designed for those at a healthy weight to maintain long-term health benefits. We still recommend Mediterranean-style food and continue to incorporate Time Restricted Eating.

The whole thing is designed for you to ebb and flow with these approaches based on your changing health and life circumstances.

You are what you eat

We’ve carefully considered our members’ health and nutritional needs across each approach; the meal plans are specifically designed to help you get the most out of The Fast 800 philosophies. That’s why, especially while following The Very Fast 800 approach, we encourage you to stick to the plans that we set as much as possible.

I absolutely LOVE the recipes I get in my meal planner each week! I’m just starting week 3 and have lost 12lbs. I’m over the moon! Thank you thank you!

Creating calorie-controlled meal plans is easy. But, getting them right to help you  thrive through your journey on The Fast 800 requires a lot more attention than meets the eye. It takes a lot of planning and experience to create weekly meals that are balanced for variety, nutrition, calories, protein and deliciousness! And – most importantly – your meals will keep you fuller for longer, making the whole plan achievable and sustainable.

Sneak peak: so what does 800 calories look like?

Eggs & Broccolini Soldiers

165 calories

Courgette & Lentil Non-Egg Fritters

234 calories

Beef Stroganoff

428 calories

There’s vegetarian (lacto-ovo) plans for each approach also!

Cottage Cheese with Berries

209 calories

Feta & Courgette Omelette

370 calories

Simple Vegetable Pie

247 calories

How will the new meal plans help me?

By accessing these new meal plans, you’re also accessing our nutritionist’s knowledge and expertise – it’s like having a health practitioner in your back pocket who is making sure your diet is the best it can be on The Fast 800.

We’re excited about our fresh, new meal plans because they:

  • Incorporate loads of brand new, quick and delicious recipes.
  • Achieve your recommended 50 – 60g protein every day.
  • Maximise nutrition, variety, textures and flavours.
  • Support fasting and non-fasting days.
  • Offer easy-to-prepare meals, especially on Mondays.
  • Keep things simple by utilising leftovers for lunches.

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